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# Easter egg plein de bon sens !
import this
print("Hello World!")
$ python3
def my_function():
Some function docstring.
(out) <function my_function at 0x7fa904ea7620>
class MyClass:
Some class docstring.
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def move(self):
Some method docstring.
print("Moving %s ..." % self.value)
(out) <class '__main__.MyClass'>
# On crée une instance de MyClass
my_instance = MyClass(42)
# On appelle la méthode move
(out) Moving 42 ... # Tout va bien
# On défini une fonction jump
def jump(self):
print("Jumping %s ..." % self.value)
# On redéfini la méthode move
MyClass.move = jump
# Et on appelle move
(out) Jumping 42 ... # Suprise !
import inspect
def maximum(arg1, arg2):
Return the maximum value.
return arg2 if arg2 > arg1 else arg1
# On récupère la signature
(out) <Signature (arg1, arg2)>
# la docstring
(out) Return the maximum value.
# et même les sources !
(out) def maximum(arg1, arg2):\n """\n Return the maximum value.\n """\n return arg2 if arg2 > arg1 else arg1\n
class Class42:
def __init__(self):
self._data = {}
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if key == "_data":
super().__setattr__(key, value)
self._data[key] = value * 42
def __getattr__(self, item):
return self._data.get(item)
def total(self):
return sum(self._data.values())
o = Class42()
o.first = 1
o.second = 2
print("o: (%s, %s, %s)" % (o.first, o.second,
(out) o: (42, 84, 126)
class ClassCallable:
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print("args: %s; kwargs: %s; " % (args, kwargs))
callable = ClassCallable()
callable(1, 2, arg3=3, arg4=4)
(out) args: (1, 2); kwargs: {'arg4': 4, 'arg3': 3};
def double_first(func):
def double_func(a, b):
return func(a*2, b)
return double_func
def decorated_sum(a, b):
return a + b
# decorated_sum = double_first(decorated_sum)
print(decorated_sum(3, 4))
(out) 10
class add_second:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __call__(self, func):
def add_func(a, b):
return func(a, b + self.value)
return add_func
def decorated_product(a, b):
return a * b
# decorated_sum = add_second(2)(double_first(decorated_sum))
print(decorated_product(2, 3))
(out) 20
from typing import Dict
# Let's pass in a dictionary
def greeting(names: Dict[str, int]) -> str:
keys = names.keys()
print('Hello, {}'.format(', '.join(keys)))
greeting({'jane': 10, 'john': 11, 'judy': 12})
"""First hug API (local, command-line, and HTTP access)"""
import hug
def happy_birthday(name: hug.types.text,
age: hug.types.number,
"""Says happy birthday to a user"""
return {'message': 'Happy %s Birthday %s!' % (age, name)}
if __name__ == '__main__':
ensemble normalisé de classes, de méthodes ou de fonctions qui sert de façade par laquelle un logiciel offre des services à d'autres logiciels
"""First hug API (local, command-line, and HTTP access)"""
import hug
def happy_birthday(name: hug.types.text, age: hug.types.number, \
timer: hug.directives.Timer=-1):
"""Says happy birthday to a user"""
return {'message': 'Happy {0} Birthday {1}!'.format(age, name),
'took': float(timer)}
import hug
@hug.get('/echo', versions=1)
def echo(text):
return text
@hug.get('/echo', versions=range(2, 5))
def echo(text):
return 'Echo: {text}'.format(**locals())
def hello():
return 'Hello world!'
import datetime as dt
import hug
from marshmallow import fields
from marshmallow.validate import Range, OneOf
@hug.get('/dateadd', examples="value=1973-04-10&addend=63")
def dateadd(value: fields.DateTime(),
addend: fields.Int(validate=Range(min=1)),
unit: fields.Str(validate=OneOf(['minutes', 'days']))='days'):
"""Add a value to a date."""
value = value or dt.datetime.utcnow()
if unit == 'minutes':
delta = dt.timedelta(minutes=addend)
delta = dt.timedelta(days=addend)
result = value + delta
return {'result': result}
import hug
def basic(default='hi', **kwargs):
return default + ' there!'
def english(greeting: basic='hello'):
return greeting
def american(greeting: basic):
return greeting
assert english() == 'hello there!'
assert american() == 'hi there!'
assert english('OMG!') == 'OMG!'
import hug
@hug.get('/image.png', output=hug.output_format.png_image)
def image():
"""Serves up a PNG image."""
return '../logo.png'
import hug
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
@hug.get('/image.png', output=hug.output_format.png_image)
def create_image():
image ='RGB', (100, 50)) # create the image
ImageDraw.Draw(image).text((10, 10), 'Hello World!', fill=(255, 0, 0))
return image
# voir duck-typing
import hug
def watch():
"""Watch an example movie, streamed directly to you from hug"""
return 'movie.mp4'
import hug
verify = hug.authentication.verify('User1', 'mypassword')
authentication = hug.authentication.basic(verify)
@hug.get('/authenticated', requires=authentication)
def basic_auth_api_call(user: hug.directives.user):
return 'Successfully authenticated with user: {0}'.format(user)
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